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C WorldWide Fund Management S.A.

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1141
L-1011 Luxembourg

Visiting Address:

1, Rue Schiller
L - 2519 Luxembourg

Tlf: +352 26 29 51 00

International Clients outside Scandinavia

Matthias Wiegand
+45 35 46 35 44
Casper B. Hansen
+45 35 46 35 89
Jill Anderson
+45 35 46 36 20
Hasse Nelson
+45 35 46 35 19

Danish, Finnish and Icelandic Clients

Hasse Nelson
+45 35 46 35 19

Norwegian Clients

Lena Krefting
+47 93 06 46 46
Charles Myrvik

Swedish Clients

Ralf Larsson
+46 31 301 1181
Johan Lander
+46 8 5352 7351

Complaints Responsible

Complaints may be addressed to:

C WorldWide Fund Management S.A.
Att. Bruno Vanderschelden
E-mail: compliance@cww.lu

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1141
L-1011 Luxembourg

Visiting Address:

1, Rue Schiller
L - 2519 Luxembourg

Tlf: +352 26 29 51 00